Scripture Study

How do you study your scriptures? Scripture_study

Almost always by topic. I read or hear something and I follow the natural process of inquiry. For example, teach vs. tell, heart and mind, conflict vs. contention, apostasy, and Bible prophecies of the Book of Mormon. These are typically things that occur during everyday life and I want to know more about it. Another good example is how my wife, Cheri, found the 12-steps of addiction recovery within Nephi’s lament a couple of years ago. The skill of researching leads to deeper understandings and more fulfilling experiences when studying.

Where do get your questions for your topics?

Life is full of interesting dilemmas, conflicts, and illogical actions. If I’ve to become a Father in Heaven, then I’ve got to understand life. In order to understand life, it makes sense to question all things stemming from the natural man and frame them within the boundaries of how Christ or HF would view them. This is not an easy skill, however, one that is captured within the construct of coding.

Coding is an objective way to view illogical behavior. Coding is one of the most powerful trigger busters and behavior modifiers I have ever witnessed. It takes Elder Packer’s comment on teaching doctrine instead of behavior to a higher level of understanding.

Published by

Richard Himmer

Author, PhD in Organizational Psychology.