Faith vs. Knowledge – con’t

Which comes first, faith or knowledge?

Is faith a vague uncertain hope in something that, with proper attention grows into knowledge? Or is faith something that grows based on a foundation of knowledge?

Faith, as I understand it, carries two levels of commitment and two levels of knowledge. The first level is that of action. You exercise your faith that you may receive an answer, direction, confirmation, clarity, or greater knowledge. In order to exercise said faith, it must be based on something.

Which comes first: Knowledge or Faith?

Is faith an action that sprouts knowledge? Does the action come first before knowledge is present or created?

Or is faith based upon truth and existing knowledge? Is faith therefore, something that grows out of and comes because of a prior knowledge of the truth?

Answer: Faith is the child of knowledge! It is reserved for those only who first have knowledge; there neither is nor can be any faith until there is knowledge. No one can have faith in a God of whom he knows nothing. No one can have faith unto life and salvation in a false god; no idol ever had power to raise the dead or stop the sun. (McConkie, A New Witness for the Articles of Faith, pg. 166.)

The Alpha and Omega of Faith

The first principle of the Gospel is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. How simple a statement, yet how profound a doctrine.

According the Joseph Smith we define faith as “the first princple in revealed religion, and the foundation of all righteousness. Faith…is the first great governing principle which has power, dominion, and authority over all things; by it they exist, by it they are upheld, by it they are changed, or by it they remain, agreeable to the will of God.” (Lectures on Faith 1:1, 22-24)

Exalting Faith

The Exalting Power of Faith

There is another level of faith that is not just an increase in valiancy but it is a magnitude of transcendent power even unto exaltation.

Alma explains that this level faith can know the mysteries of God. (Alma 26:22) What are the mysteries of God? This is deep doctrine. Not to be confused with fringe doctrine, deep doctrine consists of the restored gospel through the prophet Joseph Smith and the prophets, seers, and revelators since his time.

The Two Levels of Faith

Faith: a complete awareness of a power not discernable by the five senses of the body.

There are two primary levels of faith according to my understanding today.

The Basic Power of Faith

This level of faith starts the process to exaltation. We use this level of faith to obtain a testimony of truth (Lectures On Faith, p. 33). It’s the lowest common denominator discussed in church and at General Conference.

Faith is not a perfect knowledge. (Alma 32:21)

Desire is more than a Hopeful Thought

Stephen Covey in his book Seven Habits of Highly Effective People gives a recipe for success. The three ingredients are desire, knowledge, and skills. He argues that desire is the WANT to, knowledge is the WHAT or WHY to, and skills are the HOW to.

Elder Oaks in his talk Desire given during the April 2011 General Conference explained that our eternal destiny is a function of desire and required to become an eternal being. Let’s examine three questions about desire.

  1. What is the application of desire?
  2. How do we see it operate in our lives?

Trust vs. Faith

Trust and Faith are very similar, but they each have a unique distinction. This paper will illustrate that faith precedes trust and that deep abiding trust is the faith that created the heavens and the earth.

By definition, trust is used as a part of faith. If they were identical, they would be one word. Faith is…

  1. A firm belief in something for which there is no proof
  2. Complete trust (based upon previous experiences – my addition)

Faith Requires Faith

Faith requires Faith
Joseph F. McConkie

Alma 32:21    faith is not a perfect knowledge; you cannot exercise faith in a principle that is not true.

Abel offered a sacrifice of the firstlings of the flock – true principle – accepted
Cain offered a sacrifice of the fruit of the ground – false principle – not accepted.

If it’s not faith it’s a sin (TPJS p. 58).  It’s not an issue of emotion; it’s an issue of law.
Those who don’t know the truth about God can still receive revelation because they were born with knowledge of the truth, the Light of Christ.  They usually don’t pray to a gaseous entity but to a loving Father Who is like them.