Lord’s Blueprint for Administration

In D&C 121:34-43 we read the Lord’s blueprint for administering His kingdom. This is also how we are to administer in our families, relationships, and specifically in our personal lives. The contrast between power and force is evident in this and other scriptures. The following list illustrates contrasting approaches to life, relationships, and our space with God.

Take a moment and contrast the words in the table. Each word found under the Power heading is self-evident. Read the word and become aware of your feelings and thoughts. The power words uplift, edify, and create an overall positive feeling.

Force in the Pre Mortal Existence

After Jesus was chosen to carry out the Father’s plan, Lucifer, in an act of anger and pride, concocted an alleged plan as a result of a temper tantrum that would force all mankind to be saved. Not through love or grace, but by dominion and compulsion, with pride as the primary drive. Jealousy, anger, and revenge are the forces supporting the adversary. There is no power in Lucifer’s plan.

Our Internal Drugs

Scientists, and to a small degree, the public are familiar with the damage to the brain caused by drug addiction. Meaning drugs introduced to the body from the outside.

Research has discovered that any addiction causes the same brain damage that drug addiction causes. Our brain is a natural pharmacy complete with computer sensors all through the body.

When a chemical is deficient, the brain sends a message to the pharmacist, who then sends the appropriate dosage to the region of the body in need. Recent research has taught us that many of the drugs on the outside of the body are also produced on the inside.