You’ve been asked to give a Talk

You’ve been asked to speak this Sunday by the Bishop or one of his counselors. After the requisite panic, then anger, and then fear, you finally settle down to study. You may or may not know much about your topic, but sharing your knowledge with 250 other members is not your cup of tea. Some years ago, I wrote down my ideas of how to prepare and give a talk. Here are my ideas broken into five parts.

Next to death, public speaking carries the greatest fear for people.  This should greatly excite you and compel you forward to a state of great preparation or sheer panic.

If you choose panic, please rest assured, it won’t kill you; besides there are usually trained CPR members in each ward or branch.  This is your handy guide to preparing a great talk, in fact I am so confident that this guide will help you prepare the best talk you have ever given, I am offering a money back guarantee.

It is suggested you are on the stand and in your seat 10 minutes before the start of the meeting. This allows you time to calm your nerves, gather your thoughts, pray for guidance, and realize that everybody is in the meeting for their own reasons, and not to cast judgment upon you.

Here are some suggestions to help you along. Seek and follow the guidance of the spirit. He will teach and guide your thoughts and study.


Published by

Richard Himmer

Author, PhD in Organizational Psychology.

2 thoughts on “You’ve been asked to give a Talk”

  1. This would be ideal for each bishopric to hand out as they give the talking assignment.

  2. Wow such simple truths yet frequently fractured rules in the church. Thanks for formulating and sharing this valuable information. It seems that ev eryone “thniks” they already know this yet there they are NOT doing it!!!

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